Thursday, 22 November 2012

21 Jump Street Title sequence

 I watched the opening sequence of 21 Jump Street on Art of the Title 21 Jump Street (2012) — Art of the Title and wrote down what text appears on the screen at what time of the opening sequence, and the role of the persons name that has appeared.
In the opening sequence there is a lot of pictures and short action clips shown, whichdosent tell anything about the plot of the film but shows some of the events and objects that the audience are still unsure as to whether they will appear in the film. I enjoyed how the images were so bright and vivid, and how it was very quickly cut as to not disclose too much infomation.

I also looked at the text of the opening title sequence, which was similar to a 'sports world' text which i found on the internet.

This suggests that the film is a action type of film, and the writing is bold and therfore refelcts the fact that the film is not a horror or thriller film, that it is more light hearted and humorous. The red and white writing reflects the fact that it is an American film the red could symbolyise bloodshed and violence, however the white reinstates the fact that it is not purposefull and is done innocently.

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