Friday, 28 September 2012

Thriller posters analysis (target audience)

This is a poster of a thriller which i analysed. One of the first things you see when you look at this poster is the girls face, who is looking straightr on at the camera with a determined look on her face, and she is wearing red liupstick which signifies danger. We also see how the girls face is well lit, in comparison to the sillouette of a man which we can see smaller on the poster, this is trying to show us that the woman is good and the man is evil. Another thing which stands out on the poster is the titel, GONE. This gives us a hint at the plot of the movie, that something or someone goes missing. The colour skheme used in the poster is mainly red, white, and black. The red is used to signify danger and death, the black also signifies danger but also has an aspect of mystery, and the white is used to symbolyise innocence. Another thing which is seen on the poster is the sillouette of another girl, cut carfelly at the girls nose so that we wont see her face. This girl looks different to the other girl so we suspect that it is another person, and we also see how he figure is mainly in black which shows that she is either dangerous or in danger. From this poster we can tell that the target audience of this film is for teenagers/young adults, maytbe of similar age to the girl seen in the picture. We can tell this from all the factors which i have mentioned above, which show it may be a jumpy kind of spooky film, not a childerns film.

Another thriller poster which i looked at was Piranha 3D. One of the things which stands out about the poster is the contrast between the top of the poster where the woman is lying on the lilo looking layed back and relaxed, and the piranha's underneath her, who looking terrifying and visciuous. We also see the contrast in the different colours of blue in the bottom and at the top. At the top the blue of the sky is bright and almost cloud free, which along with the girl on the lilo looks like a nice summer holiday. The blue of the sea underneath her is a much darker clour, even slightly black, which signifies that the Piranha's are dangerous and most likley the girl is going to die. The writing of Piranha 3D is written in red, which is a clour which signifies danger and death, and is also the clouor of blood. The lilo is also this colour. The target audience of this film is most likley a teenage audience, which you can see by looking at the girl on the lilo and the words 'sun sex (..and blood). By looking at the piranhas you can tell that this would not appeal to a audience of children and the fact that the girl on the lilo symbolysis that it may also be about a teenage holiday means itr would mst likley not appeal to adults.

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